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. Economics Competency Based Questions-Class-10
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Competency Based Questions
Subject-Economics(Social Science)
The average person in Haryana has more income than the average person in Kerala, but legs behind the crucial. Reason is money in your pocket. Cannot buy all the goods and services that you may need to live well. So income by yourself is not completely adequate. Indicator of material goods and services that citizens are able to use. For example, normally your money cannot buy you a pollution, free environment or ensure that you get. Unadulterated medicines unless you can afford to sit to a community that already has all these things. Money may also not be able to protect you from infectious diseases unless that the whole of your community takes preventive steps. The problem does not end with Infant Mortality Rate. Half of the children aged 14-15 in Bihar are not attending school
beyond Class 8. This means that if you went to school in Bihar nearly half of your elementary class would be missing. Those who could have been in school are not there! If this had happened to you, you would not be able to read what you are reading now. Actually for many of the important things in life the best way, also the cheapest way, is to provide these goods and services collectively. Even now, in many areas, children, particularly girls, are not able to go to high school because the government/ society has not provided
adequate facilities. Kerala has a low Infant Mortality Rate because it has an adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities. Similarly, in some states, PDS functions well. The Health and nutritional status of people of such states is certainly likely to be better.
2. Only income is not the proper indicator of the development of the country. Which of the following is not correct
in the context of the above statement?
a) Money cannot ensure a pollution-free environment for individuals
b) Some people earn more than others do
c) Money helps us buy only material goods and services
d) Money does not ensure respect and dignity for individuals.
3. Choose the incorrect option from column A and column B:
a) Only B b) Both B and D
c) All of these d) Only C
4. Countries with per capita income of US Dollar 12,056 per annum and above in 2017, are called rich countries and those with per capita income of US Dollar 955 or less are called low-income countries. This data and comparison are as per the World
Development Reports brought out by the World Bank.
Identify the criterion used in classifying countries.
a) Gross Domestic Product b) Total Income
c) National Income d) Per Capita Income
5. Read and choose the correct term that relates to the given information:
This refers to using natural resources in a manner so that they can be used by the present and future
generations. This issue is important for development because if the natural resources are not used carefully, they may not be available for future generations.
a) Economic Development b) Sustainable Development
c) None of these d) Environmental Development
6. Read this newspaper report and answer the question that follows:
A vessel dumped 500 tonnes of liquid toxic wastes into open-air dumps in a city and in the surrounding sea. The fumes from the highly toxic waste caused nausea, skin rashes, fainting, diarrhoea, etc. After a month seven persons were dead, twenty in hospital and twenty-six thousand treated for symptoms of poisoning. Identify in which city of Africa this happened.
a) Jacqueville b) Abidjan
c) Grand-Lahou d) Grand-Bassam
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