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Extra Questions Oceans and Continents Class 6 Social Science

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Extra Question Answers Chapter-Oceans and Continents-Class 6 Social Science

1. What are Oceans?


The largest water bodies we see on the globe are called ‘oceans’.

2. What are Continents?


A large body of land is called a ‘landmass’, and a large continuous expanse of land is called a ‘continent’. 

3. What are the names of the oceans?


          a) Pacific ocean    b) Atlantic ocean    c) Indian ocean   d) Arctic ocean                                            e) southern ocean

4. What are the names of the Continents?


    a) Asia        b) Africa     c) Australia     d) Europe       e) North America     

    f) South America         g) Antarctica

5. What are the circular lines in each map called? 


Parallels Latitudes are imaginary reference lines that form complete circles around                      the earth parallel to the equator and parallel to each other.

6. Do you know what the  circular lines radiating out of the two poles are called?


They are called the meridians of longitude. They are spaced farthest apart at the                            equator and converge at a point at each pole.

7. Which hemisphere holds more water?


Northern hemisphere.

8. What do you think could be the approximate proportion of water to land in the Northern Hemisphere and in the Southern Hemisphere? Discuss in groups.


The ratio of land to water for the whole earth is 1:2 and 2:3 in the northern hemisphere. The ratio of land to water in the southern hemisphere is 1:3.

9.  Are all the oceans connected with one another, or are there separations between them?


Although we have listed five oceans, it is clear from the map that they are not really separate. The lines that divide them on the map are no more than conventions — the natural world does not follow such boundaries.

10. What means marine life?


The marine life definition includes all life forms (from plants to animals to small, single-celled bacteria) that are found within oceans and seas.

11. What means Marine Flora?


The marine flora includes tiny plants called algae and all kinds of seaweeds.

12. What means Marine Fauna?


Mysterious deep-sea creatures,  the marine fauna consists of thousands of species of colourful fish, dolphins, whales, and countless mysterious deep-sea creatures.

13. Which oceans lies in northern hemisphere?

Answer: Pacific ocean, Atlantic ocean, Indian ocean and Arctic ocean.

14. Which oceans lies in southern hemisphere?

Answer: Pacific ocean, Atlantic ocean and Southern ocean.

15. Arrange the oceans according to their size.


1st largest oceans: Pacific ocean

2nd largest ocean : Atlantic ocean

3rd largest ocean: The Indian ocean

4th largest ocean: Southern ocean

Smallest ocean: Arctic ocean

16. What is a Tsunami?


                A Tsunami is a natural disasterthat originates in the ocean.

                It is a huge and powerful wave generally caused by a strong earthquakeor a volcanic                            eruption at the bottom of the ocean.

               Tsunami can travel thousands of kilometres and submerge coastal areas, causing                                 widespread damage.

17. What means NDMA?

Answer: National Disaster Management Authority.

18. Arrange the continents according to their size.

Answer: Asia, Africa, south america, North america, Europe, Australia and Antarctica.

19. Which is the largest island in the world?

Answer: Greeanland

20. how many small island are their in India?

Answer: 1300

21. which are the two major islands of india?

Answer: andaman and Nicobar Islands in Bay of Bengal and Lakshadweep islands in the Arabian sea.

22. Which Scientific base station established by India in Antarctica continent and when?

Answer: Dakshin Gangotri in 1983.

23.Why did ‘Dakshin Gangotri’ scientific base station was established?

Answer: To conduct research on evolution of climate and environment.

24. What is water cycle?

Answer: The cycle of processes where water circulates between the oceans, atmoshpere, and land is called the water cycle. This cycle consists of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

25. When did we celebrate World Ocean Day every year?

Answer: 8th June every year.

26. Who designed World Ocean day?

Answer: The United Nations.

27. Why did United Nations designed June 8 as World Ocean day?

Answer: To remind us all of the major role the ocean plays in everyday life.

28. What would be happen if there is no ocean on the Earth?


      a. There would be no Rainfall.

      b. The Earth would be Desert.

29. Why did oceans’ flora called “the planet’s lungs”?

Answer: Because more than half of the world’s oxygen is produced by the oceans’ flora.

30. What play a crucial role in regulating the climate and sustaining life on Earth?

Answer: Oceans.

31.What is the imporance of the oceans?


  1. Oxygen is produced by the oceans’ flora.
  2. To migrate other regions.
  3. To trade in all kinds of goods.
  4. to conduct military camopaigns.
  5. Oceans used as a source of food through fishing.

32. Why did marine environment is under threat?

Answer: Due to human activities:

a. We throw plastic waste into the oceans.

b. Overfishing


For Exercise Question Answers Click Below:

    . Locating Places on the Earth

    .  Oceans and Continents




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