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Development-Important Question Answers-Class 10

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Important Question answers - Chapter 1- Development-Class 10-Social Science



                                          SUBJECT-ECONOMICS(Social Science)


Q1. What is economic development?

Ans.  It is a long run process whereby average income grows for a long period of time.

Q2.  Mention any one development goal for landless farmers.

Ans.  More days of work and better wages.

Q3.  What is the development goal for rural people of India as per your viewpoint?

Ans.  Regular income, regular job, small piece of land,  equal status in society etc. can be goal of rural people of India.

Q4.  Why do people have different development goals?

 This is because people have different needs.

Q5.  What is the meaning of development?  Explain the two aspects of development.

Ans. Development refers to the progress or improvement in the lifestyle. It is a long run process whereby average income grows for a long period of time.

 Aspects of Development:

  1. Different persons can have different development goals. 
  2. What may be development for one may not be development for others.  It may even be destructive for others. 

Q6. Why do different people have different development goals? Explain.


Why do development goals vary?  Explain with examples.

Ans.  People have different development goals because:

  1.  The life situations of person are different.  What may be development for one person may not be development for the others.

 For examples:

  1.  Male can have different development goals as compared to females.
  2.  Males can have a goal of good job whereas females have a goal of well settlement after marriage.
  3.  A farmer can have a goal for more land,  mechanized farming etc.
  4.  A shok keeper on the other hand may have a goal of big business, luxury cars etc. 
  5. Poor people will have low levels of goals like having daily food or clothing.  Whereas rich people will have a goal of owning a factory, a luxury car Bunglow etc.

Q7. “Development for one may not be development for the others”. Support the statement with examples.


 People have conflicting development goals. Support the statement with suitable examples.


  1.  it is absolutely true that at a time different persons could have different as well as conflicting notions of a country development.
  2.  it may be development for one person or for a group but it may be harmful to others.
  3.  For example:-  industrialists may consider construction of dams as development because dams provide electricity for production of goods. on the other hand farmers, tribal and other groups resent this as the construction of dams may lead to displacement and loss of their livelihood.
  4.  Similarly, a girl expects as much freedom and opportunity as her brothers and that he also shares in the household work but her brother may not like this.

Q8. What are the common development goals?  Mention any two common development goals.


 State any two goals of development other than income.

Ans.  1. There are certain goals that are common or same for all. They are more important even than income because material goods are not all that we need to live.

  1. Examples: I)  respect.   ii)equality iii) dignity iv) Pollution free environment v) security  vi) health vii) respect for others etc.

Q9. Money in your pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that you may need to live well. 

(1) Money cannot buy us a pollution- free environment.

(2) Money cannot buy us a disease free life and might not be able to get protection from infectious disease.

(3) Besides Money, people also like to have equal treatment in the society, freedom, dignity and Honour in their lives, which money cannot buy them.

Q10. What is GDP?


 It means market value of final goods and services produced in an economy during a year including depreciation of machines.


Q11.  What is per capita income?


 It is the average of total income during a year divided by total population

Q12. What criteria World bank has used to compare development of different countries?


  1.  The main criterion used by World Bank in classify countries is per capita income.
  2.  Countries with per capita income of US $ 12736 and above per annum and above are called rich countries.
  3.  Countries with per capita income of US $ 1045 or less are called the low income countries.
  4. India has US $ 1570 per annum per capita income and India comes in the category of low middle income countries.

Q13. Why do we use averages?  Are there any limitations to their use?  illustrate with your example relating to development.


  1. Normally average per capita income is used to measure economic development of a country. No doubt average income is used for measuring economic development,  but it has certain limitations.


  1.  Per capita income is a narrow concept of development. 
  2. It divides the country into rich and poor
  3.  It considers only income and not other aspects such as literacy, health and life expectancy etc.
  4. It neglects inequalities of income richness as well as extreme poverty.

Q14. What are the basic components of HDI?


Explain any three criteria used by human development to classify various countries.

Ans.  Human Development Index is constructed by United Nations development programmes (1990) on the basis of per capita income, education and health.

  1.  Per Capita Income:-

 It is measured by taking total dollars income of the nation divided by the total population.

      2. Knowledge:-

 It is measured on the basis of combined enrollment ratio and adult literacy ratio

  3. Longevity of life:-

 It is based upon the average expected life of the people since his birth time. Higher the longevity of life, the better it is for this status of development.

Q15. Explain the term sustainable development. Why is the issue of sustainability of development important?

Ans. Sustainable economic development means development should take place without damaging the environment and development in the present should not compromise with needs of the future generations.


  1.  it keeps a balance between present and future needs.
  2.  it suggests keeping a regular watch of degradation of natural resources
  3.  it believes in optimum use of existing natural wealth.
  4.  for sustainable development, air, water and noise pollution should be kept under control in future
  5.  It suggests resources are needed to be used wisely so that they can be replenished. For example: if trees are cut they should also be re-planted.

 Q16. Define:

  1. Infant mortality rate
  2. Literacy rate
  3. Net attendance ratio
  4. BMI


  1. Infant mortality rate:

It indicates the number of children that die before the age of 1 year as a proportion of 1000 live children bom in that particular year.

    2. Literacy rate:

It measures the proportion of literate population in the 7 and above age group.

    3. Net Attendance ratio:-

 It is the total number of children of age group 14 and 15 attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group.

  1. BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It is calculated by dividing the weight of a person in kilograms (kgs) by the square of his/her height in metres. It is an indicator of the level of nourishment in adults.

Q17. Kerala, with lower per capita income, has a better human development ranking than Punjab. Hence, per capita income is not a useful criterion at all and should not be used to compare States. Do you agree? Discuss. 

1. Per capita income is not a useful criterion at all to measure the human development ranking of a state. 

2. High per capita income is not the only attribute to a good quality life.

 3. Kerala ranks higher compared to Punjab even with a lower per capita income because—

a) Mortality rate is lower

b) Literacy rate is higher

c) The total number of children attending school (Classes I-V) is higher.

Q18. Explain measures to promote sustainable development.


    1. Increased use of renewable resources like solar energy,  wind energy,  tidal energy etc.
    2.  Less use of fossil fuels like coal, petroleum etc.
    3.  Introduction of organic farming.
    4.  Adopting measures to reduce global warming.
    5.  Afforestation


To Learn More Click Below:
    * Chapter-1 Development
     * Chapter-3 Money and Credit
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