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In-Text Question Answers-Class 6-Family and Community

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In-Text Question Answer

The Big Questions?

1. Why is the family unit important?

Answer: The family unit is important because:-

a. It provides emotional support.

b.  It nurtures Personal development.

c. It ensures economic stability and foresters Socialisation.

d. It acts as a foundational social structure, offering love, care and guidance.

e. It instilling values, traditions and sense of identity in its members.

2. What is a community and what its role?

Answer:- A Community:- 

                                       A community is a group of people living in the same area or sharing common interest, values and goals. 

Its role:- 

a.  To provide social support.

b. To foster a sense of belonging.

c. To  facilitate cooperation and mutual aid.

d. To create a  network for sharing resources and information. 

Communities also play a vital role in shaping individual identities and promoting collective well-being and development.

Let’s Explore:-

1. What types of families do you see in your neighbourhood? List the type with the number of households for each type.
Answer:- There are different types of families in the society but mostly we see two types of families in our neighbourhood.
a). A Joint Family:- A Joint family has several generations, leaving together-Grandparents, parents, uncles and aunts, brothers, sisters and cousins.
b). A Nuclear Family:- A Nuclear family is limited to a couple and their children and sometimes one parent and children.
2. What types are more frequent?Why do you think this is so?
In earlier time, it was joint family. Each member of the family has a role and responsibility towards other members.
But now today, Nuclear family is more frequent.
There are many reasons behind this. For example, people leave their family in search of employment.
3. As a class activity, Compare with your classmates findings and discuss.
Answer:-  Class activity.
4. Make a list of all the members of your family. You can think of,  including a few distant relatives, list their terms in your mother tongue or regional language and try to find the equivalent in English. Two examples are below for Hindi.
Family and Community
Answer:- Do it yourself.
5. Notice how quite often a single word in your mother.Tongue or reasonable language requires several words in english to keep a precise definition.
Answer:- Do it yourself.
6. Answer these questions and compare your answers with a few classmates. 
* Who in your family decides what is to be bought from the market?
 Answer:  Father and mother or elder brother.
*  Who cooks food in your home?
Answer:  Maid or  mother or sometimes elder sister.
* Who is the oldest person in your family?
Answer:  Grandmother or grandfather.
* Who cleans the floor in your home?
Answer:  Maid or mother.
* Who washes utensils in your house?
Answer:  Maid or mother.
* Who helps you to do your homework?
Answer:  Mother ,father or elder brother or sister. 
7. Draw a simple tree of this family of 7 members.
Answer: Do it yourself.
8. Why do you think Shalini’s parents bought clothes for everyone?
Answer:  It is because Shalini’s uncle was having financial difficulties so they were not able to buy new clothes for the festival. So Shalini’s parents bought clothes for everyone.
9. What would you have done if you were in Shalini’s place?
Answer:  I would have done the same what Shalini did as a member of the family.
10. Create a story of a family somewhere in India, where we see some family values practised.  Share it with your class either through writing or drawing. 
Answer: Do it yourself.  
11. Stage a small drama with all your classmates.Around two or three families.The play you write could include some challenging situations that the families faced,  and show how they are resolved.
Answer:  Class activity.
12. In the stories of Shaline and Tenzing, We see examples of joint families.What do you think are the aspects of modern living. What do you think are the aspects of modern living that make some couple opt for a nuclear family ( apart from older generations or other relatives)? What could be some advantages as well disadvantages of the two kinds families?
Answer: In modern living, several aspects influence some couples to opt for a nuclear family, which involves living apart from older generations or other relatives. 
Factors influencing preference for nuclear families.
1. Career opportunities: Career opportunities often require relocation of different cities or countries, making it impractical to live with extended family.  
2. Privacy and independence: A Nuclear family set up provides more privacy and space for individual family members.
3. Urbanization:  Urban housing is often limited and expensive, making it difficult to accommodate extended families in the same house.
4. Child-rearing preferences: Couples may wish to raise their children according to their own values and methods, which can sometimes differ from those of older generations.
5.  Educational opportunities:  In urban areas often necessities a move away from extended family.
13. Make a list of all people outside your family that are supporting you through their work in one way or another.
Answer:  Do it yourself.
14. What types of communities are you part of?
There are many examples of communities that I am a part of:
a) In my school, I am a member of NCC or Bharat Scouts and Guides or NSS.
b) As per my profession, I am a member of Teachers community.
c) In my village, I am a member of farmer’s community.
Many others……………… per your role
15. Is there a club that you are a part of in school? How does it function?
Yes, NCC or BS&G or NSS or Cultural Group or House of your School.
Note:- Answer as per your choice.
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