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NCERT Solutions-Timeline and Sources of History-Class 6

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Chapter-4-Timeline and Sources of History-NCERT Solutions-Class 6-Social Science

Q1. As a project, write the history of your family(or village if you are live in one), using sources of history at your disposal. Ask your teacher to guide you.


a) Visual Arts: Paintings, scluptures etc. help us to know the history of our family.

b) Oral Traditions: Oral stories told by our parents about our family member’s history.

c) Written Records: Written records like letters, diaries, official records and books if any helps us to know about our family’s history.

Q2. can we compare historians to detectives? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: Yes, historians can be compared to detectives. Various sources help us understand history by providing different perspectives and evidence about past events. Written documents, artifacts, oral stories, and archaeological findings give us clues about how people lived, what they valued, and how societies changed over time. By studying these sources, we can build a clearer and more accurate picture of history.

Q3. A few exercises with dates:

ƒ Place these dates chronologically on the timeline: 323 CE, 323 BCE, 100 CE, 100 BCE, 1900 BCE, 1090 CE, 2024 CE.

Answer: Here is the chronological order of the dates:

1. 1900 BCE
2. 323 BCE
3. 100 BCE
4. 100 CE
5. 323 CE
6. 1090 CE
7. 2024 CE

Dates are arranged from the earliest (1900 BCE) to the latest (2024 CE).

ƒ If King Chandragupta was born in 320 CE, which century did he belong to? And how many years was that after the Buddha’s birth?


If King Chandragupta was born in 320 CE, he belonged to the 4th century CE.

Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) is traditionally believed to have been born around 563 BCE.

To calculate the number of years between the Buddha’s birth and Chandragupta’s birth:

– Buddha’s birth: 563 BCE
– Chandragupta’s birth: 320 CE

The total years between these two events would be:

563 years (from 563 BCE to 1 BCE) + 320 years (from 1 CE to 320 CE) = 883 years

So, King Chandragupta was born 883 years after the Buddha.

ƒ Rani of Jhansi was born in 1828. Which century did she belong to? How many years was that before India’s Independence?


Rani of Jhansi, born in 1828, belonged to the 19th century.

India gained independence in 1947.

To calculate how many years before India’s independence she was born:

– Independence: 1947
– Rani of Jhansi’s birth: 1828

The difference is:

1947 – 1828 = 119 years

Rani of Jhansi was born 119 years before India’s independence.

ƒ Turn ‘12,000 years ago’ into a date.


To turn “12,000 years ago” into a date, we need to subtract 12,000 years from the current year, which is 2024.


2024 – 12,000 = -9976 BCE (approximately)

This means that 12,000 years ago was around 9976 BCE.

Now, let’s create a simple timeline drawing to visualize this:


     12,000    10,000   5,000   (2024)               

     years      years      years    
       ago         ago         ago 
      (9976)     (8000)   (3000)                         

       BCE        BCE       BCE

Q4. Plan a visit to a nearby museum: the visit should be prepared with some prior research on the kind of exhibits the museum holds. Keep notes during the visit. Write a brief report afterwards, highlighting what was unexpected / interesting / fun about the visit and the exhibits.


Q5. Invite to your school an archaeologist or a historian and ask them to speak on the history of your region and why it’s important to know it.



To Learn More Click Below:

     * Chapter -1 Locating Places on the Earth

    * Chapter -2 Oceans and Continents

    * Chapter -3 Landforms and Life


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