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In-Text Question (The Beginning of Indian Civilization)

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The Big Questions

What is a civilisation?

Answer:- A Civilization is a complex society with the following key features:- 

1. Cities:- Civilisations have large organised communities or cities where people live and work together.

2. Government:-  They have systems of leadership and rules to help manage and organise the society. 

3. Writing:-  Civilisations often have writing systems to record important information and communicate. 

4. Technology:-  They use advanced tools and techniques to make life easier and more productive.

5. Culture:- Civilizations have rich traditions, art and beliefs that are shied among their people. 

Q2. What was the earliest civilization of the Indian subcontinent?

Answer:-  The earliest known civilization of the subcontinent is the Indus Valley Civilization,  also known as Harappan civilization. 

Q3. What were its major achievements?

Answer:- Its major achievements are:- 

1. Urban planning:-  Well planned cities with great layouts, drainage system and sanitation facilities.

2. Advanced Architecture:-  Use of fired bricks, multi-storied buildings and impressive granaries.

3. Craft and Technology:-  Skilled in metalworking, pottery and seal carving and  developed a system of weights and measures.

4. Trade:-  Extensive trade network with Mesopotamia and other regions. Evidence of trade goods like beads and tools.

5. Writing System:-  Developed a writing system, though its full decipherment remains a work in progress.    

Let's Explore

Q1. For each characteristics in the list above can, you make a list of professions or occupations that might exist in such a society. (Page 87)

Answer:- The list of professions for occupations that might exist in such a society is as follows:-

 Farmer,  hunter, batcher, Weaver, metalworker, bead maker, fisherman, animal harder, Potter, Stone Carver, jeweller etc.

 Construction and Engineering:- 

 Mason, carpenter, architect, brickmaker, canal builder, road builder, house builder, drainage engineer, wall painter etc.

 Trade and Commerce:- 

 Merchant, trader, caravan leader, market vendor,  moneylender,  warehousekeeper, Scribe, accountant, transporter, ship builder etc.

 Administrative and Religious Roles:- 

City planner,  priest,  astrologer,  healer , chieftain, Tax collector, Law enforcer, record keeper, council members etc.

Q2. Some of the important cities of this civilisation are marked in the map( Fig. 6.3). As a class activity, can you try to match the cities with the modern states for regions in the table given below? 

 Harappan City

Modern state/region












 Harappan City

Modern state/region












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The Beginning of Indian Civilization(NCERT Solutions)



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