Chapter-5 India,That is Bharat-In-Text Question Answers-Social Science-Class 6
The Big Questions?
Q1. How do we define India?
1. India is a vast and diverse country located in South Asia. It is the seventh largest country in the world by land area.
2. India is bordered by several countries Pakistan, China Nepal,Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar.
3. To the South, it is surrounded by the Indian Ocean, with the ocean Arabian on the West and the Bay of Bengal on the East.
4. India’s landscape includes a wide range of features in the North. The Himalayan mountains ranges forms are natural barriers.
5. The Central part of India is characterised by fertile plains, the Western part of India has the Thar Desert.
6. The Southern part featured Deccan Plateau and several coastal plains.
7. Indian also has a number of significant Islands including the Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep.
Q2. What were the ancient names for India?
Answer:- In ancient time, India was known by several different names:
1. One of the earliest names was ‘Bharat’ derived from the ancient Hindu king Bharata. This name is still used today and is the official Sanskrit name for the country.
2. Another ancient name for India was ‘Jambudvipa’ , which means the island of the Rose apple tree and was used in early Indian literature.
3. The ancient Greeks refer to India as ‘Indike’ derived from the river Indus.
4. The Persian empire also called the region “Hindustan” which means the land of the Hindus.
Let’s Explore
1. Do you recognize the names of any reasons given in the below map on (page 79) ? List the ones that you have heard of.

Answer:- The names of regions are which I can recognize Kerela, Kalinga, Chola, Pandya, Kashi, Kosala and Avanti.
2. In the reproduction of the first page of the original constitution of India (on page 82), can you make out the phrase ‘India, that is Bharat’? (Page 81).
Answer:- Yes , the original constitution of India contains the phrase “India, That is Bharat.” This phrase is found in the very first article of the Constitution which reads:
India, that is Bharath, shall be a Union of states.
This phrase establishes both India and Bharat are official names for the country.
Bharat is derived from ancient Sanskrit text and signifies the historical and cultural identity of the nation while India is more commonly used in international context.
3. Can you complete this table of the many names of India?
Persian | Sindhu |
Greek | Indike or Indoi |
Latin | India |
Chinese | Yindu |
Arabic & Persian | Hindustan |
English | India |
French | Inde |
Important Question Answers
1. What does the term ‘Sapta Sindhava’ refers to?
a) Land of Seven cities.
b) Land of seven rivers
c) Land of seven mountains.
d) Land of seven oceans
2. Which ancient text mentions the regions ‘Kashmira’?
a) Rig Veda. b) Mahabharta.
c) Vishnu Purana. d) Upnishads
3. Which name was used by emperor Ashoka to describe the entire Indian subcontinent?
a) Bharath. b) Hindustan.
c) Jambudvipa d) Yindu
4. What does the term ‘ Bharat’mean in the context of the Vishnu Purana?
a) Country of the Bharatas
b) Land of the seven rivers
c) Island of the jamun tree
d) Heavenly master
5. The first foreigners to mention India were from which country?
a) Greece. b) China. c) Persia. d) Egypt
6. What name did the ancient Greeks use to refer to the region of India?
a) Indoi b) Yintu.
c) Hind. d) Bharart
7. Who is the Chinese traveler mentioned in the text who travel to India in the seventh century C.E?
a) Confucius. b) Xuanzang.
c) Laozi. d) Mencius
8. What is the meaning of the term ‘Jambudvipa’?
a) Land of Bharatas
b) Island of the fruit of the Jamun tree.
c) Land of Seven rivers
d) Heavenly master.
9. Which ancient text uses the term ‘Bharatvarsha’?
a) Rig Veda b) Vishnu Purana
c) Mahabharata d) Upnishada
10 What does the Persion term in refer to?
a) A religion. b) a river
c) a geographical region d) a city
1- b, 2-b, 3-c, 4- a, 5- c,
6- a, 7-b, 8-b, 9-c, 10-c
Fill in the Blanks:-
1. The Rig Veda gives the northwest region of the Subcontinent the name………………….
2. The Mahabharata use the term ‘ Bharatvarsha’ and……………. to describe the Indian Subcontinent.
3. The term ‘Jambudvipa’ means………..
4. The indian constitution mentions ‘India, that is………………….
5. The ancient Greeks named the region …………….or ‘Indike’.
6. The first foreigners to mention India were the………………
7. ‘ Bharata’ is mentioned in an ancient text called the………………
8. Xuanzang travelled from China to India in the ……………. century CE.
9. The term ‘Hindustan’ was first used in persian inscription some ……………years ago.
10. The word ‘ Sindhava’ comes from ‘Sindhu’, which refers to the…………….
1. Sapta Sindhava
2. Jambudvipa
3. The island of the fruit of the Jamun tree
4. Bharat
5. Indoi
6. Persian
7. Vishnu Purana
8. 7th
9. 1,800
10. Indus River
True or False
1. The term ‘Bharata’ was first used in the Rig Veda.
2. Xuanzang travelled from China to India in the 6th century CE.
3. ‘Hindustan’ was the first used in a Persian inscription about 1,800 years ago.
4. ‘Jambudvipa’ means ‘ the land of seven rivers’.
5. The Persian referred to India as ‘ Hind’, ‘ Hidu’ and ‘Hindu’.
6. The Mahabharata was written from a few centuries BCE onward.
7. Yintu and Yindu are terms used by the ancient Chinese to refer to India.
8. The Rig Veda refers to ‘ Bharatvarsha’ as the land of Bharatas.
9. The term , ‘Bharat’ is used in the Indian Constitution.
10. Tianzhu was a term used by the ancient Chinese that could also be understood as heavenly master.
1. True. 2. False. 3. True. 4. False. 5. True
6. True. 7. True. 8. False. 9. True. 10. True
Match the following:-
Match the ancient names with their corresponding regions:
1. Kashmira. A) Parts of Bengal
2. Kurukshetra. B) More or less today’s Kashmir
3. Vanga. C) Roughly todays Assam
4. Pragjyotisha. D) Parts of today’s Haryana
1 – b, 2 – d, 3- a, 4 – c
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Chapter 4 Timeline and Sources of History