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Worksheet-Landforms and Life-Class 6-Social Science

Chapter-Landforms and Life-Worksheet-Class 6-SST


1. Landform:- A landform is any natural feature of the Earth’s surface, such as a hill, lake, beach etc.

2. Mountain Range:-  A mountain range or hill range is a series of mountains or hills arranged in a line hand connected by high ground.

3. Mountains:-  Mountains are the land phones that are much higher than this surrounding landscape.

4. Plateaus:- A plateau is a landform that rises up from the surrounding land and has a more or less flat surface.

5. Plains:-  The plains are the landforms that have extensive flat or gently undulating surface.

Facts to Remember:-

1. A land form is a feature on our surface.That is part of the terrain.

2. These landforms have different climates and are home to a variety of flora and fauna.

3. Humans have adopted to all land forms , but the number of people living on different kinds of landforms where varies throughout the world.

4. Major landforms are mountains, plateaus and plains.

Multiple Choice Questions:- 

1. Mountains can be recognizedby….

a) a steep slopes           b)  a gentle slopes

c)  Narrow slopes          d) None of these

2. Highlands with a lower height, less steep slopes and rounded tops are called …….

a) mountain     b) valleys      c) hills       d) range.

3. Mount Aconcagua is the highest peak of .…….

a) Mount Blank     b) Aravalli hills        c) Andes       d) None of these

4. At higher altitude the trees give way to ……. 

a) grasses    b) grasses, mosses and lichens     c) Pines     d) None of these.

5. ………………. is the Indian name of the largest river originating in Himalayas.

a) Son       b) Ganga       c) Narmada         d) Yamuna

6. African plateau is famous for …………..

a)  gold, silver    b) gold, diamond     c) silver and brass      d)  All of these

7. Floodplains are one type of plains formed by ……………..

a)  sea          b) rivers           c) lake         d) all of these.

8. Plains also support a variety of……… and ……

a) animals       b) flora and fauna        c) plants        d) All of these

9. The Himalayas are young mountains with ……………. peaks.

a)  sharp        b) elliptical        c) spherical        d) all of these.

10. Which of the following is not the part of landforms?

a) Glacier              b) Hill              c) Mountain            d) Plateau

11. Which of the statement is true?

a) Indian ocean is named after India.      b) India is not a part of Asia Continent

c) Indian ocean is name after Bharat      d) None of these


1-a,         2-c,          3-c,        4-b,     5-b,         6-b,         

7-b,        8-b,        9-a,         10-a,      11-a

State whether True or False 

1. A landform is a physical feature on the surface of our planet Earth.

2. Anamudi in Kerala also known as the “Anai Peak”.

3. The Plateau environment is very favorable across the world.

4. Fiber crops such as Cotton,Jute and hemp are also grown in the Gangetic plain.

5. Agriculture is often an important source of income for the people living in the mountains.

Answer: 1-True,     2- True,     3- False,    4- True,      5- False

Fill in the Blanks:


1. Floodplains are one type of ……… formed by rivers originating in mountain ranges.

2. Plateaus are also home to many spectacular ……………… 

3. …………… is often an important source of income for the people living in the mountains.

4. Deserts are considered to be …….. and ……. expanses with very little precipitation.

5. Landforms have different …………. and are home to a variety of flora and fauna.

Answer: 1- plains,    2- waterfalls,    3- Tourism,      4- large, dry       5- climates


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For More Worksheets Click Below:

Chapter-1 Locating Places on the Earth

Chapter-2 Oceans and Continents

Chapter-4 Timeline and Sources of History

Chapter-5 India, That is Bharat

Chapter-9 Family and Community



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