Chapter – 6
The Beginning of the Indian Civilisation
Class-6 (Social Science)
Multiple Choice Questions:-
1. What is the main feature of a civilisation?
a) Nomadic lifestyle b) Absence of writing
c) Advanced urban planning d) Lack of trade.
2. Why are the inhabitants of the Indus valley Civilization called ‘Harappans’?
a) They lived near the Sarasvati river.
b) The city of Harappa was the first to be excavated.
c) They spoke the Harappan language.
d) They invented the first writing system.
3. What was the main reason for the decline of the Harappan civilization?
a) Invasion by foreign armies b) Lack of trade
c) Climatic changes and drying up of the Sarasvati river d) Over population
4. What was a common feature of Harappan cities in terms of construction?
a) Made of wood b) Made up bricks with uniform quality
c) Made of stones with varied quality d) Built on hills.
5. What was the primary purpose of the great bath in Mhenjodaro?
a) Agricultural storage b) A temple for worship,
c) A residential house d) None of the above
6. Which metal did the Harappans use extensively for their tools and ornaments?
a) Iron b) Silver c) Bronze d) Platinum.
7. What does the presence of beads of camelion in Harappan sites suggest about their society?
a) They had advanced trade networks. b) They lacked artistic skills.
c) They did not use metals. d) They were isolated from other regions.
8. What type of evidence suggests that Harappans were engaged in maritime trade?
a) Discovery of airplanes b) Large dockyard, such as one at Lothal
c) Presence of submarines d) Use of paper boats,
9. Which crops were commonly grown by the Harappans?
a) Corn and tomatoes, b) Barley and wheat
c) Pineapples and mangoes d) Potatoes and carrots.
10. Why did Harappan cities have separate bathing areas in their homes?
a) For religious rituals b) For water management and cleanliness.
c) For Storing food d) For keeping animals
Fill in the Blanks:-
1. The Harappan Civilization is also known as the ……………………. civilisation.
2. The “Great bath” was found in the city of …………………… .
3. The Harappans were the first in Eurasia to grow ………………….
4. The Sarasvati river is now known as ………… in India and …………….. in Pakistan.
5. The mature phase of Indus Valley Civilisation ( 2600-1900 BCE) is known as ……………..
1. Indus Sarasvati
2. Mohenjo-daro
3. Cotton
4. Ghaggar, Hakra
5. Harappan Civilisation
State whether True or False:-
1. The Indus Civilization is also referred to as the Harappans Civilisation.
2. The Harappans used bronze for making tools and figurines.
3. All Harappan cities had large fortificatios and were surrounded by walls.
4. The Harappan Civilisation was characterized by frequent warfare and invasions.
5. The Indus Valley seals show “Swastika” symbol.
1. True. 2. True. 3. False. 4. False. 5. True
Match the following:-
Harappan city. Modern state/region
1. Dholavira. a) Punjab
2. Harappa b) Gujarat
3. Kalibangan c) Sindh
4. Mohenjo-daro. d) Haryana
5. Rakhigarhi e) Rajasthan
Answer:- 1-b, 2-a, 3-e, 4-c, 5-d
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The Beginning of the Indian Civilization
For More Worksheets Click Below:
Chapter-1 Locating Places on the Earth
Chapter-2 Oceans and Continents
Chapter-4 Timeline and Sources of History
Chapter-5 India, That is Bharat
Chapter-9 Family and Community
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I like but so many words i am tired 😫 ohhhhhh i am very lazy 🦥 i can sleep 💤 ok this aap is very good 👍
Good exposer