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Globalisation and the Indian Economy-Class 10-Social Science

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Chapter-Globalisation and the Indian Economy


Subject-Social Science(Geography)


Q1. What is globalization?
Globalization means integration of one country’s economy with the world economy.  It is a process of interaction and integration among the people,  companies and governments of different nations.
 Important features are:-
1. Free flow of goods from one country to another.

2.  Free flow of capital and Technology among different countries.
3.  Free flow of labour and professionals among  different countries. 
Q2. Explain the factors that have enabled globalization possible.
Ans.  1. Technology development:–  Rapid improvement in technology has been one major factor that has stimulated the globalization process.  In recent times, technology in the areas of telecommunications, computers, and the internet has been changing rapidly.
2.  Liberalization of foreign trade:-  Nations have removed many of the barriers to foreign trade and foreign investment and thus promoted and facilitated globalization. 
3.  Foreign investment policy:-  MNCs have increased foreign investment and foreign trade which led to Greater integration of production and market across countries.  Globalisation is the process of Rapid integration and interconnection between countries.
Q3.  What are the trade barriers?  Why were trade barriers imposed by the Indian government?
What was the reason for putting to foreign trade and foreign investment by the Indian government?
Ans.  Trade barriers:–  Trade barriers are the restrictions on import and export imposed by the government to protect the interest of the producers within the country. Tax on imports is an example of trade barriers.
 Reasons for trade barriers:- 
1.  Because this was considered necessary to protect the producers within the country from foreign competition.

2.  To make Indian companies competitive and more efficient.
3.  The competition from well established for and competitors would destroy the new-born industries in India.
4.  But now after the period of 70 years the scene has changed,  Indian industry has developed. it can face competition from developed Nations industry,  so barriers are removed.
Q4.  How can the government ensure fair globalization to its citizens?  Explain.
1.  Ensure labour laws are properly implemented.
2.  To support small producers.
3.  It can negotiate at the WTO for fairer rules.
4.  If necessary,  the government can use trade and investment barriers.
5. Must protect the interests of not only rich people but all the common people.
Q5. Describe the ways in which countries can be linked through globalization.
1. By movement of goods.
2.  By movement of services.
3.  By moment of investment.
4.  By the movement of people between countries.
Q6.Globalisation has been advantageous to consumers as well as to the producers.  Support the statement with suitable examples.
 Advantages to consumers:- 
 1. Globalization has led to Employment generation,  as a result, beneficial to the consumers.

2.  A consumer can get world class goods everywhere at economical rates.
3.  It has made a variety of goods available for consumers in the market.
 4. Consumers can easily avail the latest product with advanced technology. 
5. Multiplex shopping centers are offering multibrands facilities to the consumer at one roof.
 Advantages to Producers 
1.  The producers now have access to the international markets.

2. Globalization has also enabled free movement of capital.
3.  Globalization has enabled access to foreign investment in capital and Technology via foreign direct investment etc. 
Q7.  How have Indian markets been transferred in recent years? explain with examples.
After the advent of globalization many changes have occurred in the Indian market. The various transformations in the Indian market in recent years are:-
1.  There is availability of a wide range of choice of goods and services.
2.  Products are of better quality.
3.  Good quality product available at low cost.
4.  We can easily avail the latest product with advanced technology.
5.  Every season, new models of automobiles can be seen on the Indian roads. 
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