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Manufacturing Industries-Question Answers-Class-10-SST

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Chapter-Manufacturing Industries(Geography)
Subject-Social Science


Q1.  Define manufacturing.

Ans.  Production of goods in large quantities after processing from raw material to more valuable products is called manufacturing.

Q2. What is the importance of manufacturing?
“The Economic Strength of a country is measured from the development of its manufacturing industries”.  Justify the statement by giving supporting arguments.
1.Manufacturing industries help in modernizing agriculture.
2.  It reduced the heavy dependence of people on agriculture.
3.  It brings much needed foreign exchange.
4.  They help in urbanization and social development of the region.
5.  Industries provide employment to the people
6. Industies eradicate poverty.
 Q3. Explain any five factors that affect the location of industry.
1. Availability of raw material– 
Industries which used heavy and bulky raw materials usually  located near supply of raw material. For example:- iron and steel industry.
2. Availability of labour:- 
In industries a large number of workers are required. So the industries are located where the skilled and cheap labour are easily available. 
3. Capital and Market:- 
Modern  industries are capital and market-oriented.  Close to the market is essential for quick disposal of manufactured goods.
 4. Power:- 
Regular supply of power is required for the localisation of industry.
5. Transport: 
A good transport network helps to reduce costs and makes the movement of raw materials and finished goods easier.
Q4. What do you know about agro based industries?
1. Which gets the raw material from agriculture known as agro based industries.
 2. For examples:- cotton, jute, sugar, woolen and edible oil industry.
3. It is also a self reliant industry.
Q5.  Explain the importance of the textile industry.
1.  it occupies a unique position in the Indian economy.
2. It contributes 14% to industrial production.
3.  it generates employment (35 million).
4.  it earns Foreign Exchange 24.6 percent of total.
5.  it contributes 4% to GDP.
Q6.  Explain the factors affecting the cotton textile industry.
Explain the factors which were responsible for the concentration of cotton textile industry in Maharashtra and Gujarat in early years.

1. Availability of cotton:-
                       Easy availability of raw cotton in the neighboring areas i.e black soil area.
2. Moist climate:– 
                      Humid climate of the region helpful for both cotton growing and cotton processing. 
3. Abundant skill labor:-
                      Cheap and skilled labor can be drawn from the surrounding areas.
4. Market:
                      This area has a locally available market. They also enjoy good transport facilities.
5. Port facility:- 
                  To transport the textile goods in other countries port  facilities are easily available near these areas.
Q7.  Why is the cotton textile industry in India very widely distributed ? explain it by giving reasons.
1.  Cotton goods are in great demand throughout the country.
2.  It is a light industry. Its raw material and finished products both are light hence both are easily transported at low cost. 
3.  The industry is market oriented and has not tied with raw material hence cotton mills are decentralized. 
4.  Humid conditions are created artificially inside the cotton mills.
5.  To provide scope of operating traditional skills and design weaving in cotton silk,  zari and embroidery etc. 
Q8.  What are the problems associated with the Cotton Industry?
1.  Shortage of good quality raw material.
 2. Erratic power supply and poor infrastructure. 
3.  Outdated machinery and Technology.
4. Low productivity of the labour Force.
5. Stiff competition with the synthetic fiber industry.
Q9. What steps have been taken by the government to stimulate the demand for jute.
1. In 2005 National jute policy formulated by the government of India.
2.  To increase productivity.
3.  To improve the quality of jute.
4.  Enhancing the yields per hectare.
5. Ensuring good prices to the farmers.
Q10. Explain the factors affecting the location of jute textile mills mainly on the banks of the river Hugli.
1. Availability of raw  jute :-
                     Easy availability of raw jute near the Hooghly river.
2. Abundant skilled labor:– 
                     Cheap and skill labor can be drawn from Bihar, Odisha and West Bengal.
3. Inexpensive water:-
                      Abundant water required for processing raw jute which is available from Hooghly river.
4. Market:-
                     Kolkata is a large urban Center which provides banking,  insurance and Port facilities for export of jute goods. 
Q11. The Jute textile industry of India has been facing problems from time to time. elaborate the main problems.
1.  After 1947, 3/4 jute  growing areas went to Bangladesh.
2.  Stiff competition with Bangladesh, Brazil and Thailand.
3.  Decline in demand in the international market.
4.  Tough challenges from low priced synthetic substitutes.
Q12. Give reasons as to why the ideal location of sugar mills is near sugarcane producing areas.
1.  The raw material used in the sugar industry I.e. sugarcane is bally,  weight losing and perishable.
2.  If there is delay in transportation its sucrose content reduces.
3.  To minimize the transportation cost.
Q12.  Why is there a tendency for these Sugar Mills to concentrate in Southern states of India in recent years?  give reasons .
1. Sugarcane in the South has higher sucrose content.
2. The favorable climate ensures a longer crushing season. 
3.  Cooperative sectors are more successful in the southern areas.
4. Better for port facilities in Southern and western States.
5.  By- products of the sugar industry are better utilized in Southern States.
Q13. Analyze the major challenges faced by the sugar industry in India.
1.  Seasonal nature of the industry.
2.  Old and inefficient methods of production.
3. Transport delay in reaching sugarcane factories.
4. Need to maximize the use of bagasse.
5.  Low yield of sugarcane.
6. High cost and low rate.
Q14. In what ratio are iron ore, cooking coal and limestone required to make steel?
Ans. 4:2:1

Q15. How are integrated steel plants different from mini steel plants?


             Integrated Steel Plants

               Mini Steel Plants

1.  Integrated steel plants need large investment.

 1. Mini steel plants need less investment.

2.  These plants handle everything under one roof.

2.  These steel plants use steel scrap and sponge iron.

 3. These steel plants manufacture all types of steel.

 3. These plants produce only mild steel of given specification.

Q16. Why is iron and steel industry concentrated around Chotanagpur plateau?


1. Availability of raw material:
This plateau is famous for iron ore and other minerals, Bihar, Jharkhand provide raw material for the industry.
2. Cheap labour:
This region is densely populated hence large cheap labour is easily availableto run the machines.
3. Power:-
Power is also easily available from the Damodar Valley corporation to the different steel plants.
Being an industrial region there is a dense network of road and railways.
5. Port facilities:-
Export and import facilities are provided by Kolkata port.
Q17. India is an important iron and steel producing country in the world, yet we are not able to perform to our full potential. Justify this statement with valid arguments.
1. High cost and limited availability of cooking coal:-
India’s cooking coal deposits are confined largely to the limited areas.
2. Low productivity of labour.
The labours are less productive.
3. Poor infrastructure:-
The iron and steel plants are not working to the full capacity as the machinery is outdated.
4. Irregular supply of power:-
There is an irregular supply of electricity in India, so the work becomes more difficult.
Q18. Name any 2 factors that have contributed to a healthy growth of the automobile industry in India.
Liberalisation and Foreign Direct Investment.
Q19. What is the importance of information technology sector for the Indian economy?
1. Information technology sector has provided employment over to one million people.
2. This industry is said to be the major foreign exchange earner.
3. It has helped in growth of service sector.
4. The 30% of the people employed in this sector are a woman.
Q20. How do industries pollute the environment?
Various types of pollution caused by the industries are:-
1. Air pollution
a) It is caused by the presence of high proportion of undesirable gases such as sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide.
b) Smoke and smell of the chemicals released by the paper, brick kilns, etc. industry is the main cause of air pollution.
2. Water pollution:-
a) It is due to organic and in organic waste and affluence released into water bodies.
b) The main culprits in this regard are paper, pulp, dying, chemical, etc.
c) These let out dyes, detergents acids, salts and heavy metals discharged into water bodies.
3. Thermal pollution:-
A) This pollution is occurring when hot water from factories and thermal plants is drained into rivers and pond before cooling.
B) Dumping of waste, especially glass, harmful chemicals, industrial affluence, garbage renders the soil useless.
C) Rainwater carrying the pollutants to the ground and ground water also gets. Contaminated.
4. Noise pollution:-
A) It is created by industrial and construction activities, factory equipment, generators, saw machines, electric drills, etc.
B) It can also cause hearing impairment, increased heart rate and Blood Pressure.
Q21. Discuss these steps to be taken to minimise environmental degradation by industry.
1. Minimising air pollution:-
a) Fitting smoke stacks to factories with electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, etc.
b) Use of gas or oil instead of coal.
2. Minimising water pollution:-
a) Rain water harvesting.
b) Treating hot water and effluence before releasing them in rivers.
c) Reuse and recycle of water.
3. Minimising noise pollution:-
a) Fitting of by silencers in all equipment.
b) Use of noise absorbing material.
c) Redesigning the Machinary.
Q22. Industrial pollution is seriously affected fresh water resources. What values can bring about a change in the existing situation?
Ans: Industrial development is the backbone of economic development of the country. All prosperous countries of the world are highly industrialised. The values that require reducing the pollution are:-
1. Care for the natural resources.
2. Care and concern for fellow citizens.
3. Sensitivity to environment.
4. Minimising the use of soap and detergent.
5. Participating as a citizen in national government programs viz Swatch Bharat Abhiyan, Ganga action plan, etc.
Q23. What does NTPC refer to? List out two ways through which NTPC has contributed towards the preservation of natural environment?
a) NTPC refers to national thermal power corporation. It is a major power providing corporation in India. It has ISO certification for Ems (Environmental Management System) 14001.
b) Its contributions:
1. Optimun utilization of equipment adopting latest technology.
2. Minimizing waste generation by maximizing ash utilization.
3. Providing green belts for nurturing ecological balance.
4. Reducing environmental degradation through ash pond management.
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