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MCQs-India’s Cultural Roots-Class 6 Social Science

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Multiple Choice Questions-India’s Cultural Roots-Class 6 Subject- Social Science

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What is the meaning of the term “Veda” in Sanskrit?

  • A) Knowledge
  • B) Truth
  • C) Wisdom
  • D) Life

Answer: A) Knowledge

How many Vedas are there?

  • A) Two
  • B) Three
  • C) Four
  • D) Five

Answer: C) Four

Which Veda is considered the oldest?

  • A) Yajur Veda
  • B) Rig Veda
  • C) Sama Veda
  • D) Atharva Veda

Answer: B) Rig Veda

In which region were the Vedic hymns composed?

  • A) Gangetic Plains
  • B) Sapta Sindhava
  • C) Southern India
  • D) Himalayan region

Answer: B) Sapta Sindhava

What does the Vedic statement “ekam sat viprā bahudhā vadanti” signify?

  • A) The soul is eternal
  • B) Unity in diversity
  • C) Worship of nature
  • D) Rebirth and karma

Answer: B) Unity in diversity

Who are considered the composers of Vedic hymns?

  • A) Brahmins
  • B) Rishis and Rishikas
  • C) Kings
  • D) Priests

Answer: B) Rishis and Rishikas

Which deity is primarily associated with fire in Vedic rituals?

  • A) Indra
  • B) Agni
  • C) Varuna
  • D) Sarasvati

Answer: B) Agni

UNESCO recognized Vedic chanting as a masterpiece of:

  • A) Tangible heritage
  • B) Literary heritage
  • C) Oral and intangible heritage
  • D) Spiritual heritage

Answer: C) Oral and intangible heritage

What is “ātman” as per the Upanishads?

  • A) The physical body
  • B) The divine essence within
  • C) The concept of truth
  • D) The cycle of rebirth

Answer: B) The divine essence within

Which mantra translates to “I am Brahman”?

  • A) Tat tvam asi
  • B) Aham brahmāsmi
  • C) Ekam sat
  • D) Sarve bhavantu sukhinah

Answer: B) Aham brahmāsmi

Siddhartha Gautama is commonly known as:

  • A) Mahavira
  • B) The Buddha
  • C) Brahman
  • D) The Seeker

Answer: B) The Buddha

In which philosophy is “karma” a central concept?

  • A) Charvaka
  • B) Jainism
  • C) Vedanta
  • D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

The core teaching of Buddhism includes:

  • A) Non-attachment
  • B) Ritual sacrifices
  • C) Worship of deities
  • D) Material wealth

Answer: A) Non-attachment

“Ahimsa” in Jainism means:

  • A) Righteous conduct
  • B) Non-violence
  • C) Spiritual discipline
  • D) Liberation

Answer: B) Non-violence

What is the primary goal of Yoga according to Vedic tradition?

  • A) Physical fitness
  • B) Material success
  • C) Realization of Brahman
  • D) Social status

Answer: C) Realization of Brahman

What was the significant contribution of folk and tribal traditions in India?

  • A) Introduction of the Vedas
  • B) Influence on Hindu deities
  • C) Creation of caste systems
  • D) Writing of the Upanishads

Answer: B) Influence on Hindu deities

The philosophical debate involving Gārgī and Yājñavalkya was documented in:

  • A) Rig Veda
  • B) Atharva Veda
  • C) Bṛihadāraṇyaka Upaniṣhad
  • D) Sama Veda

Answer: C) Bṛihadāraṇyaka Upaniṣhad

Who is considered the founder of Jainism?

  • A) The Buddha
  • B) Mahāvīra
  • C) Rishabhadeva
  • D) Ashoka

Answer: B) Mahāvīra

In Buddhism, “Sangha” refers to:

  • A) Meditation practice
  • B) Buddhist community of monks
  • C) Enlightenment
  • D) Concept of karma

Answer: B) Buddhist community of monks

Which term refers to the concept of “many-sidedness” in Jainism?

  • A) Anekāntavāda
  • B) Ahimsa
  • C) Aparigraha
  • D) Sangha

Answer: A) Anekāntavāda

The Charvaka school is known for:

  • A) Belief in life after death
  • B) Materialistic philosophy
  • C) Karma and rebirth concepts
  • D) Devotion to gods

Answer: B) Materialistic philosophy

The idea “tat tvam asi” means:

  • A) “You are that”
  • B) “Knowledge is power”
  • C) “Unity is strength”
  • D) “God is one”

Answer: A) “You are that”

What is a “Jataka” tale?

  • A) A story of the Buddha’s past lives
  • B) A Vedic hymn
  • C) A Jain scripture
  • D) A Vedic ritual

Answer: A) A story of the Buddha’s past lives

The ancient texts of the Vedas were primarily:

  • A) Written in stone
  • B) Transmitted orally
  • C) Recorded on parchment
  • D) Engraved on temples

Answer: B) Transmitted orally

The concept of “aparigraha” in Jainism encourages:

  • A) Wealth accumulation
  • B) Non-possessiveness
  • C) Martial arts
  • D) Meditation

Answer: B) Non-possessiveness

True or False Questions

  • The Vedas are India’s oldest texts.

Answer: True

  • The Charvaka school of thought believes in the cycle of rebirth.

Answer: False

  • Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was born into a royal family.

Answer: True

  • Jainism promotes the concept of aparigraha, which means accumulating wealth.

Answer: False

  • According to the Upanishads, the individual soul (ātman) is ultimately one with Brahman.

Answer: True

  • The Sangha in Buddhism refers to a community of monks.

Answer: True

  • Vedic hymns were originally written on palm-leaf manuscripts.

Answer: False

  • The term “ahimsa” in Jainism means non-violence and is central to its teachings.

Answer: True

  • The Buddha attained enlightenment under a banyan tree at Bodh Gaya.

Answer: False (It was a pipal tree)

  • Folk and tribal traditions in India have had no interaction with mainstream Hindu beliefs.

Answer: False

Match the Following

1. Match the Schools of Thought with their Key Concept:

Column A

Column B

A. Charvaka

1. Non-violence

B. Jainism

2. Materialism

C. Buddhism

3. Enlightenment

D. Vedanta

4. Unity with Brahman

E. Vedas

5. Sacred hymns


A – 2 (Charvaka – Materialism)

B – 1 (Jainism – Non-violence)

C – 3 (Buddhism – Enlightenment)

D – 4 (Vedanta – Unity with Brahman)

E – 5 (Vedas – Sacred hymns)

2. Match the Terms with their Meanings:

Column A

Column B

A. Aparigraha

1. Non-possession

B. Ahimsa

2. Non-violence

C. Atman

3. Individual soul or self

D. Sangha

4. Buddhist community


5. Philosophical  teachings


A – 1 (Aparigraha – Non-possession)

B – 2 (Ahimsa – Non-violence)

C – 3 (Atman – Individual soul or self)

D – 4 (Sangha – Buddhist community)

E – 5 (Upanishads – Philosophical teachings)

3. Match the Deities with their Associations:

Column A

Column B

A. Agni

1. Fire

B. Indra

2. Rain and Thunder

C. Sarasvati

3. Knowledge and Learning

D. Varuna

4. Water and Oceans

E. Yama

5. Death


A – 1 (Agni – Fire)

B – 2 (Indra – Rain and Thunder)

C – 3 (Sarasvati – Knowledge and Learning)

D – 4 (Varuna – Water and Oceans)

E – 5 (Yama – Death)

4. Match the Philosophies with their Founders or Prominent Figures:

Column A

Column B

A. Buddhism

1. Siddhartha Gautama

B. Jainism

2. Mahavira

C. Yoga

3. Patanjali

D. Vedanta

4. Shankaracharya

E. Charvaka

5. Brihaspati


A – 1 (Buddhism – Siddhartha Gautama)

B – 2 (Jainism – Mahavira)

C – 3 (Yoga – Patanjali)

D – 4 (Vedanta – Shankaracharya)

E – 5 (Charvaka – Brihaspati)

5. Match the Teachings with their Schools of Thought:

Column A

Column B

A. Karma

1. Hinduism

B. Four Noble Truths

2. Buddhism

C. Ahimsa

3. Jainism

D. Tat Tvam Asi

4. Vedanta

E. Materialism

5. Charvaka


A – 1 (Karma – Hinduism)

B – 2 (Four Noble Truths – Buddhism)

C – 3 (Ahimsa – Jainism)

D – 4 (Tat Tvam Asi – Vedanta)

E – 5 (Materialism – Charvaka)


Assertion-Reasoning Questions

  • Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
  • Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
  • A is true but R is false.
  • A is false but R is true.
  • Both A and R are false.

1. Assertion (A): The Vedic hymns were passed down orally for many generations.                        Reason (R): Ancient India had a tradition of memorizing and reciting texts without relying on written records.

Answer: A) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

2. Assertion (A): Buddhism rejects the caste system.                                                                 Reason (R): Buddhism teaches that all individuals are equal in their capacity for enlightenment.

Answer: A) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

3. Assertion (A): The concept of “ahimsa” is central to Jain philosophy.                                      Reason (R): Jainism advocates non-violence towards all living beings.

Answer: A) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

4. Assertion (A): Charvaka philosophy is considered spiritual.                                                    Reason (R): Charvaka advocates materialistic values and does not believe in the afterlife.

Answer: C) A is false, but R is true.

5. Assertion (A): The term “atman” in Hinduism represents the physical body.                           Reason (R): The “atman” is believed to be eternal and part of the supreme soul.

Answer: C) A is false, but R is true.

6. Assertion (A): The Upanishads advocate for meditation and introspection.                            Reason (R): Introspection helps achieve unity with Brahman, the ultimate reality.

Answer: A) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

7. Assertion (A): Mahavira is considered the last Tirthankara in Jainism.                                    Reason (R): Tirthankaras are enlightened beings who guide others toward spiritual liberation.

Answer: A) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

8. Assertion (A): In Vedic society, the raja (king) had absolute power over the clans.                 Reason (R): Vedic texts suggest a collective assembly called samiti.

Answer: C) A is false, but R is true.

9. Assertion (A): Buddhism promotes the worship of gods and goddesses.                                Reason (R): Buddhism focuses on personal enlightenment through the Eightfold Path.

Answer: C) A is false, but R is true.

10. Assertion (A): The Buddha’s teachings emphasized detachment from material desires.      Reason (R): Attachment is seen as the root cause of suffering in Buddhism.

Answer: A) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.


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