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NCERT Solutions-Economic Activities Around Us-Class 6-SST

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NCERT Solutions-Economic Activities Around Us-Class 6-Social Science

1. What is the primary sector? How is it different from the secondary sector?


 Primary sector: Direct use of natural resources (e.g., agriculture, mining).

 Secondary sector: Processes natural resources into more valuable goods (e.g., making furniture from wood).

2. How does the secondary sector depend on the tertiary sector?


  • Transportation: Factories need trucks and trains to deliver raw materials and finished goods to markets or stores.

  • Banking: Factories use banking services to manage money, pay employees, and take loans to buy equipment.

  • Marketing: Companies need advertising services to promote the products they make, like clothes or food items.

  • Communication: Factories use phones and the internet to communicate with suppliers and buyers.

  • Repair and Maintenance: Machines in factories need mechanics or electricians to fix and maintain them regularly.

3. Give an example of interdependence between primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Show it using a flow diagram.

Answer: Example of interdependence among sectors:

   – Primary: Growing cotton.

   – Secondary: Turning cotton into fabric.

   – Tertiary: Selling fabric in a store.

   Flow Diagram:

   – Cotton farming → Textile factory → Retail store.


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