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NCERT Solutions-Grassroots Democracy-Part 1 Governance

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Questions, activities and projects


Q1. What is the meaning of democracy? What is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?


Democracy: Democracy means “rule by the people.”

Democracy is a system of government in which representatives/leaders/rulers are elected by people.

  Direct Democracy                              

       In direct democracy, everyone votes on decisions directly. 

  Representative Democracy

       In representative democracy, people elect leaders to make decisions for them.

2. Recall the three organs of government. What are their different roles?


Three organs of government and their roles:

  • Legislature: Makes the laws.
  • Executive: Enforce the laws.
  • Judiciary: Interprets the laws and decides punishments.

3. Why do we need three tiers of government?


Need for three tiers of government:

  • We need local, state, and national governments to handle issues at different levels, like village matters locally, larger problems at the state level, and country-wide issues at the national level.

4. Project: Many of you will remember the lockdown that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Make a list of all the actions that were taken at that time? Which tiers of government were involved in managing the situation? What was the role of each of the organs of government?


COVID-19 lockdown project:

 During COVID-19, actions included enforcing lockdowns, providing medical support, and delivering essential supplies.

 * Local government handled on-the-ground support.

* State government coordinated medical care.

* National government gave guidelines and resources.

 * The executive enforced rules, the legislature updated laws as needed, and the judiciary made sure laws respected people’s rights.

  • No country can run without governance and government.
  • A modern government has three organs — legislative, executive and judiciary — which need to work together.
  • The Indian government functions at three levels — Centre or national, State and local.
  • Democracy is the overall framework for this system. It functions through elected representatives, both at the State and the national levels.


To Learn More Click Below: 

NCERT Questions:

Grassroots Democracy Part-2 Governance in Rural Areas

Grassroots Democracy Part-3 Local Government in Urban Areas



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