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NCERT Solutions-Industries-Class 8- Social Science

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Chapter-Industries(Geography) Class 8-Exercise Question Answers-Social Science

Q1. Answer the following questions:

i. What is meant by the term ‘Industry’?


The term industry refers to an economic activity that is concerned with the production of goods, extraction of minerals or provision of services.

ii. Which are the main factors which influence the location of an industry?


 The factors which influence the location of an industry are availability of:

      . Raw materials

      . Land 

      . Water 

      . Labor 

      . Power 

      . Capital 

      . Transport 

      . Market

iii. Which industry is often referred to as the backbone of the modern industry and why?


Iron and steel industry is often referred to as the backbone of the modern industry because almost everything is either made of steel or iron or has been made using the tools and machineries of these metals.

 It plays an important role as a basic necessity of today’s economy.

Q2. Distinguish between the following:

(i).  Agro-based and Mineral based industry

(ii). Public sector and Joint sector industry answer.


i) Distinguish Agro-based and Mineral based industry 

Agro-based industry

The industry which obtains raw materials from agriculture are called agro based industries.

 These industries provide employment in rural areas.

 Agro-based industries are mostly in private or cooperative sectors.

 Examples. Jute, Sugar, Cotton textile, Vegetable oil and Plantation.

 Mineral based industry.

Industries based on minerals for their raw materials are termed as mineral based industries. 

They provide employment both to rural and urban labor.

 These industries are generally located in public sector due to huge investments involved.

 Examples- Iron and steel industry, machine tool industry.

ii) Distinguish between public sector and joint sector industry.

Public sector industry, 

The industry, which is owned and controlled by state government or the Central government, is called public sector industry.

Examples: Indian Railways, steel plants at Durgapur, Bhilai, heavy electrical, etc. 

Joint sector industry

The industry, which is owned and controlled by government and individuals, are called joint sector industries.

 Examples:  Cement industries, Paper industry, Information technology and MUL Maruti Udyog Limited.

3. Give to examples of the following in this space provided:

(i). Raw materials…………. and……………

(ii). End product …………and…………. 

iii. Tertiary activities………and ………..

(iv). Agro-based industries………and………..

(v). Cottage industries……….and…………

(vi). Co-operative…………and…………


(i). iron ore and cotton textile 

(ii). iron and steel 

(iii). transport and banking 

(iv). sugar and vegetable oil 

(v). basket making and weaving

(vi). sugar and Amul Milk Union.


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