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PPTs-Grassroots Democracy–Part 1 Governance

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Powerpoint Presentation-Grassroots Democracy – Part 1 Governance Class-6 Social Science

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Grassroots Democracy – Part 1 Governance

Main Points:

There are probably some simple rules at home that you are expected to follow. The school where you study has rules too — some for students, others for teachers. In higher classes, students appearing for examinations must follow certain rules. Drivers on the road are expected to obey traffic rules.
People employed in all kinds of jobs also need to follow the rules set by their employer, while the employers must also follow rules which they have committed to their employees.

Three Organs of Government

The three branches or ‘organs’ of a government work together:
ƒ The legislature is the organ that makes new laws (or ‘legislates’). Sometimes it also updates or removes 154 Exploring Society: India and Beyond Governance and Democracy
existing laws. This is done by an assembly of representatives of the people. We will soon see how the Indian system works.
ƒ The executive is the organ that implements (or ‘executes’) the laws. This includes the head of state
(who may be a president, a prime minister or a chief minister), the ministers and any agency responsible for enforcing ‘law and order’. (In our example above, that agency is the cyber police.)
ƒ The judiciary is the system of courts which decides whether someone has broken the law and, if so, what course of action should be taken, including punishment if necessary. Sometimes it also examines whether a decision taken by the executive is right, or whether a law passed by the legislature is well conceived and fair to all.

Three Levels of Government

Any government operates at two levels at the least —local and national. In many countries, including India, itfunctions at three levels or tiers — local, state or regional,and national. Each level deals with different matters. Touse a comparison, if a bulb in your home is not lighting up,you will first check the bulb, switch, fuse, etc. If that does not work, you may call an electrician, and if it is found that
the problem is not within your home, you may need to goto the Electricity Board and file a complaint. These are also three levels of dealing with a problem.


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India’s Cultural Roots



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1 thought on “PPTs-Grassroots Democracy–Part 1 Governance”

  1. Pingback: PPTs-Grassroots Democracy: Part 3 Local Govt. in Urban Areas

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