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NCERT Solutions:Unity in Diversity, or ‘Many in the One’

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NCERT Solutions: Chapter-Unity in Diversity, or ‘Many in the One’-Class 6-Subject-Social Science

Q1. Conduct a class discussion on the two quotations at the start of the chapter.


The two quotations at the beginning of the chapter talk about “Unity in Diversity.”

Rabindranath Tagore asks that we enjoy the happiness that comes from seeing the “One” (unity) in the “Many” (diversity).

Sri Aurobindo explains that India’s identity is based on unity despite the many different cultures, languages, and traditions.

Q2. Read the National Anthem and its translation in the preliminary pages of this textbook. Where do you see the diversity? And where the unity?


* In the National Anthem, we see India’s diversity in the mention of different regions, like Punjab, Gujarat, and Bengal, each with unique traditions, languages, and cultures.

* It talks about rivers, mountains, and states, which show the natural and cultural variety of the country.

* However, the unity lies in how all these regions and their people are part of one India. 

* This unity in diversity is what makes our country beautiful and strong.

Q3. Select a few stories from the Pañchatantra and discuss how their message is still valid today. Do you know of any similar stories from your region?


The stories of the Pañchatantra teach lessons about wisdom, friendship, and honesty. For example:

  • The Monkey and the Crocodile teaches us to be clever and stay calm in difficult situations.

  • The Blue Jackal shows how lying or pretending to be someone else can cause problems.

These lessons are still important today as they help us make good decisions and be better people. 

Q4. Collect a few folk tales from your region and discuss their message.


Folk tales in our region often teach values like kindness, courage, and honesty.

One popular story is about a wise king who tests his people’s honesty with a magic pot that won’t grow seeds planted by a dishonest person. It teaches that honesty always wins.

Another story is about a clever farmer who solves a land dispute by sharing the land equally among neighbors. This story promotes fairness and justice. 

Q5. Is there any ancient story that you have seen being depicted through a form of art? It could be a sculpture, a painting, a dance performance, a movie … Discuss with your classmates.


Yes, ancient stories like the Ramayana and Mahabharata are often depicted in art forms like paintings, dances, and movies. For example:

  • The Ramayana is shown through dances like Kathakali in Kerala, where colorful costumes and movements tell the story of Rama’s journey.

  • Sculptures in temples show scenes from the Mahabharata, like the famous “Bhagavad Gita” episode.

These art forms help keep ancient stories alive and make them enjoyable for everyone. 

To Learn More Click Below:


Unity in Diversity, or ‘Many in the One’

India’s Cultural Roots

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