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NCERT Solutions-The Beginning of Indian Civilization

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The Beginning of Indian Civilization Class-6 Subject-Social Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Subject Social Science Chapter – The Begining of Indian Civilisation


Q1. Why does the civilization studied in this chapter have several names? Discuss their significance?


1. The Civilisation has several names such as Harappan, Indus, or Indus Sarasvati Civilisation.

2. This is because it was discovered in the region along the Indus River and its tributaries.

3. The city of Harappa, so with these names, it connects to all these points.

Q2. Write a brief report 150 to 200 words) summing up some of the achievements of the Indus-Sarasvati civilization?

Answer:- The Indus-Sarasvati civilization, one of the earliest known in the history of mankind, came up with some remarkable achievements such as: 

1. The Harappans establish well planned cities with advanced training system, which clearly emphasis on sanitation and public health.

2. The Harappanswere very skilled in metallurgy, producing bronze tools and various ornaments.

3. The civilization had a robust trade network extending to Mesopotamia in standardised weights and measures.

4. The Harappans excelled in bead making and pottery that highlight their artistic power. 

5. Their script, though deciphered,  suggest a complex administrative system.

Q3. Imagine you have to travel from the city of Harappa to Kalibangan. What are your different options? Can you make a rough estimation of the amount of time each option might take?


1. Travelling from Harappa to Kalibangan in ancient times would primarily involve land routes.

2. Utilising the Indus River for the initial part of the journey would be the most efficient as this water route is not only convenient but also safe to start with. 

3. Further followed by over land travel using horse, bullocks or on foot.

4. The total distance of approximately 200 kilometres.

5. Hence this might take few days, depending on the conditions and speed of travel.

Q4. Let us amazing a Harappan man or woman being transported to an average kitchen into today’s India.What are the four or five biggest surprises awaiting them?


1. Seeing electric appliances like Refrigerators, Owens and microwave would be surprising.

2.  The variety of packaged and processed food.

3. The use of gas or electric stoves.

4.  The use of electric lights in the kitchen. 

5. The availability of many different spices and ingredients from around the world would be a big change.

Q5. Looking at all the pictures in this chapter, make a list of the ornaments/ gestures/ objects that still feel familiar in our 21st century.

Answer:-  Looking at all the pictures in this chapter, we can say that ornaments such as bengals and beads, gestures like the ‘namaste’ posr and objects like mirrors and toys are still familiar in the 21st century.

Q6. What mindset does the system of reservoirs at Dholavira reflect?


1. Their advanced planning and engineering skills to develop and construct large and interconnected water reservoirs.

2. Their understanding towards the importance of water conservation.

3. They ensured a stable and continuous water supply for the whole society.

4. Their understanding for maintaining a sustainability of resources.

Q7. In Mohenjo-daro, about 700 wells built with bricks have been counted. They seem to have been regularly maintained and used for several centuries.  Discussed the implications.


1. It indicates advanced urban planning and decentralized water supply.

2. A stable and efficient administrative system capable of managing these wells over centuries.

3. It ensures access to clean water.

4. It reflects advanced technological skills and engineering knowledge of ancient times.

Q8. It is often said that the Harrapans had a high civic sense. Discuss the significance of this statement. Do you agree with it? Compare with citizens in a large city of india today.


1. Yes, I agree with the statement.

2. Wll planned cities, with wide streets and standardised drainage system.

3. Uniform quality of construction shows societal commitment to equity and public welfare. 


1. Today’s cities manage resources through modern utilities and services, but maintenance and access can vary.

2. Issues like pollution, cleanliness and inadequate waste disposal.


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