One Mark Questions-MCQs – Chapter – Power Sharing-Class -10 – Social Science
a) Legislature b) Executive c) Judiciary d) Defence
2. The Tamil people whose forefathers came from India as workers during the colonial period are called Indian Tamils.
a) railway b) plantation c) slave d) crafts
3. Following are the features of the Belgium model. Identify the incorrect one.
a) The number of Dutch and French-speaking ministers shall be equal in the central government.
b) Many powers of the central government have been given to state governments of the two regions.
c) There will be third kind of government called ‘community government’.
d) No power-sharing among centre-state will done.
4. A violent conflict between opposing group within a country is called as .
a) Political War b) Political Conflitcs c) Ethnic war d) Civil war
5. Power is shared among different is known as horizontal distribution of power.
a) social groups b) types of government c) organs of government d) political parties
6. In 2005, some new laws were made in Russia giving more powers to its:
a) President b) Prime Minister c) Legislature d) Judiciary
7. Reservation for women in parliament is a good example of which arrangement?
a) Power shared among different parties
b) Power shared among social groups
c) Power shared among different levels of government
d) Power shared among different organs of government
8. Which community was rich and powerful in Belgium?
a) French b) None of these c) Dutch d) German
9. Consider the following statements about power sharing arrangements in Belgium and Sri Lanka.
A. In Belgium, the Dutch-speaking majority people tried to impose their domination on the minority French- speaking community.
B. In Sri Lanka, the policies of the government sought to ensure the dominance of the Sinhala-speaking majority.
C. The Tamils in Sri Lanka demanded a federal arrangement of power sharing to protect their culture, language and equality of opportunity in education and jobs.
D. The transformation of Belgium from unitary government to a federal one prevented a possible division of the country on linguistic lines.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
a) A, B and D b) A, B, C and D c) B, C and D d) C and D
10. Different arguments are usually put forth in favour of and against power-sharing. Identify those which are in favour of power-sharing and select the answer using the codes given below? Power-sharing:
A. reduces conflict among different communities
B. decreases the possibility of arbitrariness
C. delays the decision-making process
D. accommodates diversities
E. increases instability and divisiveness
F. promotes people’s participation in government
G. undermines the unity of a country
11. Identify the special problem presented by Brussels.
a) The French-speaking people constituted a majority in the country, but a minority in the capital
b) The Dutch-speaking people constituted a majority in the country, but a minority in the capital
c) The Dutch-speaking people constituted a minority in the country, but a majority in the capital
d) The English-speaking people constituted a majority in the country, but a minority in the capital
12. Name the official language spoken in Sri Lanka.
a) Arwi b) Sinhalese c) Arabic d) English
13. A legitimate government is one where:
a) citizens, through participation, acquire a stake in the system
b) government does not interfere
c) conflicts are encouraged
d) citizens are ignored
14. The distrust between which two communities turned into widespread conflict and a Civil War in Sri Lanka?
a) Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian Tamils b) Sinhalas and Sri Lankan Tamils
c) Sinhalas and Hindus d) Tamils and Muslims
15. Which of the following is the majority group in Sri Lanka?
a) Muslims b) Christians
c) Sinhalese d) Tamils
16. The population of Sri Lanka is about
a) two crores b) fifty thousand
c) ten crores d) five million
17. Between 1970 and 1993, Belgium leaders amended their constitution times.
a) five b) two
c) three d) four
18. In India, the government at the provincial or regional level are called:
a) Union Government b) Central Government
c) Democratic Government d) State Government
19. In India, we have a tier government.
a) two b) four
c) five d) three
20. Separation of powers refers to:
a) Power shared among social groups
b) Power shared among different organs of government
c) Power shared among different levels of government
d) Power shared among different parties
21. The leaders of the community sought to secure dominance over the government by virtue of their majority.
a) Sinhala b) Tamils
c) Hindus d) Christians
22. Under the Belgian model, Brussels has a separate government in which both the communities have representation.
a) less b) equal
c) unequal d) no
23. The idea of power-sharing has emerged in opposition to the notions of undivided .
a) political power b) judiciary power
c) legislative power d) executive power
24. Consider the following two statements on power sharing and select the
answer using the codes given below:
A. Power sharing is good for democracy.
B. It helps to
reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups.
Which of these statements are true and
a) Both A and B are true b) Both A and B are false
c) A is true but B is false d) A is false but B is true
25. In India, the third tier of the government is called:
a) Provincial or State b) Official or Public
c) Union or Central d) Panchayat or Municipality
26. Which one of the following is not the benefit
of power-sharing?
a) Ensures political stability
in the long run
b) It upholds the spirit of democracy
c) All political parties get their expected
d) Reduces the possibility of conflicts between social groups
27. Community government in Belgium is a good example of which arrangement?
a) Power shared among social
b) Power shared
among different levels of government
c) Power shared
among different parties
d) Power shared among
different organs of government
28. ……………………allows different organs of government placed at the same level
to exercise different powers.
a) Conflict resolution b) Horizontal distribution
c) Majoritarianism d) Vertical
29. The division of powers involving higher and lower levels of government
is called as:
a) separation of powers b) vertical division of power
c) conflict resolution d) horizontal division of power
30. Under Belgian model, Constitution prescribes that the
number of and ministers shall be equal in the central government.
a) English, French-speaking b) Dutch, French-speaking
c) German, English speaking d) Dutch, German speaking
31. It is the law-making organ of the government.
a) Defence b) Legislature
c) Executive d) Judiciary
32. In India, the power-sharing mechanism does not
directly involve:
a) Legislature b) Judiciary
c) defence d) Executive
33. When compared to the size of Indian state, Belgium is smaller than
which of the following?
a) Goa b) Sikkim
c) Manipur d) Haryana
34. Name the headquarters of the European Union.
a) Brussels b) Amsterdam
c) London d) Germany
35. Sri Lanka is an island nation, just a few kilometres off the southern
coast of:
a) Karnataka b) Maharashtra
c) Tamil Nadu d) Kerala
36. The major social
groups are the Sinhala-speakers and the Tamil-speakers constitute and ……………………………respectively.
a) 24 percent, 76 percent b) 50 percent, 50 percent
c) 18 percent, 18 percent d) 74 percent, 18 percent
37. In Sri Lanka, there are about percent Christians, who are both Tamil and Sinhala.
a) 33 b) 7 c) 25 d) 17
38. The launched parties
and struggles for the recognition of Tamil as an official
language, for regional
autonomy and equality of opportunity in securing education and jobs.
a) Muslims b) Sri Lankan Tamils
c) Christians d) Sinhalas
39. Power shared by two or more political parties is which kind of
a) Central Government b) Coalition Government
c) Community Government d) Federal government
40. Name the community who got the benefit of economic development &
education much later in Belgium?
a) French-speaking b) German-speaking
c) Dutch-speaking d) English-speaking
41. In which form of government, people rule themselves through
institutions of self-government?
a) dictatorship b) autocracy
c) monarchy d) democracy
42. Name the community who got the benefit of economic development and
education much later in Belgium?
a) French-speaking b) German-speaking
c) English-speaking d) Dutch-speaking
43.In which part of Sri Lanka are the Sri Lankan Tamils
a) North and East b) South and East
c) South and West d) North and West
44. European Union Parliament is located in:
a) France b) Germany
c) Austria d) Belgium
45. The principle of majoritarianism led to a civil war in:
a) Britain b) Belgium
c) Sri Lanka d) Tamil Nadu
46. Reserved constituencies is a good example of which arrangement?
a) Power shared among
different parties
b) Power shared among
different levels of government
c) Power shared among social groups
d) Power shared among
different organs of government
47. Which one of the following is a major caste group of Sri Lanka?
a) Christian and Tamil b) Buddhist and Hindu
c) Sinhala and Christian d) Sinhala
and Tamil
48. It is an organ of the government which interprets the laws made:
a) Judiciary b) Executive
c) Legislature d) Administrator
49. The community
government is not elected by people belonging to which language
community – no matter where they live.
a) Sri Lankan Tamils b) German-speaking
c) French-speaking d) Dutch-speaking
50. Modern democracies maintain
a check and balance system.
Identify the correct
option based on the horizontal power-sharing arrangement.
a) Legislature, executive,
b) Among different pressure
c) The central
government, state government, local bodies
Among different social
51. ………………of Belgium’s total population, percent lives in the Flemish
region and speaks Dutch language.
a) 60% b) 39%
c) 80% d) 59%
52. Among Tamils there
are subgroups
in Sri Lanka.
a) three b) two
c) five d) four
53. Which of the following arrangement is called a system of checks and
a) Conflict resolution b) Vertical
c) Majoritarianism d) Horizontal distribution
54. Under which of the following is power shared in the Community
Government of Belgium?
a) Different social
State government and Community government
c) Central and State government
d) Different
organs of government
55. Which of the following arrangement is used to give minority communities
a fair share in power?
a) Power shared among social
b) Power shared
among different parties
c) Power shared
among different organs
of government
d) Power shared among different
levels of government
56. Power can be shared among governments at different levels.
Such a general government for the entire
country is usually called:
a) federal government b) regional government
c) unitary government d) union government
57. What is a coalition government?
a) Alliance of two or more
b) Alliance
of different social groups
c) Power shared
among different organs
of government
d) Power shared among different
levels of government
58. Which two languages among the following are prominently spoken by
Belgium Nationals?
a) Russian and French b) French and English
c) Dutch and French d) Russian and Dutch
59. When compared to the population of the Indian
state, Belgium has about half of population which of the following?
a) Goa b) Haryana
c) Uttar Pradesh d) Rajasthan
60.Identify the reason that can
be given in favour of power-sharing.
a) It imposes the domination of
b) It helps to reduce the possibility of
conflict between social groups
c) It destabilizes the political structure
d) It encourages civil wars
61.How many people speak French and Dutch in the capital city of Brussels?
a) 80% German and 20% French b) 80%French and 20% Dutch
c) 80% Dutch and 20% French d) 60% French and 40% Dutch
62.The government measures gradually increased the feeling of alienation
in which community of Sri Lanka?
a) Indian Tamils b) Sri Lankan Tamils
c) Sinhalas d) Buddhists
63. Arrange the following in the correct sequence:
i. Several political organizations were formed demanding
an independent Tamil Eelam (state)
in northern and eastern
parts of Sri Lanka.
ii. The distrust between
the two communities turned into widespread conflict. It soon turned into a Civil War.
iii. An Act was passed to recognise Sinhala
as the only official language, thus disregarding Tamil.
iv. Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country.
a) iv, i, iii, ii b) i, ii, iii, iv
c) iv, iii, i, ii d) iv, iii, ii, i
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