WEEK – 3
Q5. Which Indian state is the Mahanadi River primarily located in?
a) Kerala b) Odisha c) Tamil Nadu d) Uttar Pradesh
Answer: b) Odisha
Q6. Name the rivers which flows in your state.
Answer: ……………………………………………………..
Q1. Which communities lived in forests?
Answer: Adivasis, Nomadic and Hunter gatherers.
Q2. Write three points about Hunter gatheres.
Answer: 1. They hunted wild animals.
2. They caught fish and birds.
3. They gatheres fruits, roots nuts, seeds, leaves and eggs.
Q3. What they used to wear?
Answer: Clothing made from animal skin.
Q4. Why were they constantly moving from one place to another?
1. They moved every few days in search of plant and animal food.
Role Play:
Divide the students in different groups according to
A) Ancient Time
B) Medieval Time
C) Modern Time
1. Group A exchange their goods with each other.
2. Group B purchase the goods by Shells and then by coins.
3. Group C puchase goods by Currency notes.
Then asked few questions to the students.
Q1. How people purchased goods in earlier time?
A) By Exchanging goods with each other (Correct)
B) By purchasing wheat
C) By purchasing Rice
D) All of these
Q2. Where do most shells come from?
- A) Trees
- B) The ocean (Correct)
- C) Underground
- D) The sky
Q3. What shape are most coins?
- A) Square
- B) Triangle
- C) Round (Correct)
- D) Oval
Q4. Which material is commonly used to make coins?
- A) Wood
- B) Plastic
- C) Metal (Correct)
- D) Glass
Q5. Why do people use coins?
- A) To write on
- B) To play games
- C) To buy things (Correct)
- D) To swim
Q6. What are currency notes mostly made from?
- A) Plastic
- B) Paper or a type of cloth (Correct)
- C) Leaves
- D) Metal
Q7. What do you use currency notes for?
- A) Making clothes
- B) Cooking
- C) Buying things (Correct)
- D) Playing games
Q8. Why is money important?
- A) It helps people exchange goods and services (Correct)
- B) It can be used as a toy
- C) It can sing
- D) It can jump
- Q9. What can you purchase from currency notes?
- A) Clothes
- B) Gold
- C) Food items
- D) All of the above
- ****************************************
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yyyyyyooooooooo w
I forgot to sleep when I am writing
shubham chourasiya
week4 is their
Very nice
tutty tha
Nice for history and science subject l proud of you 💕 💕💕💎💎
Week 4 is their
Hi 👋 it's very easy to do my homework ☺️
Fffffffffffffffgfds en
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